Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Wesleyan Quadrilateral (So this is how I determine what I believe to be true or not) The four sources are: • Scripture - The Holy Bi...

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Open View of God

Why I deny all five points of Calvinism and why I take comfort in subscribed to the Open View of God.

Personally, I believe that any theology and or philosophy that leads to any form of fatalism/Determinism is a religion that ends in hopelessness and pointless arbitrary devotion. "God rules in such a way as to uphold the created structures and, and because He gives liberty to His creatures, is happy to accept the future as open, not closed, and a relationship with the world that is dynamic, not static." Clark Pinnock

The greatest comfort in the Open View of God is that I need not to explain the why's of human decision in relation to the divine nature and foreknowledge or throw it up in the air in the saying, "it was meant to be." Or attempt to find a reason or purpose for everything that takes place in this life. It seems that in either circumstance it can best be answered with Open Theism.

For example, in either case the facts are that God was constantly striving with man's free will to influence him to make the right choose. However, due to free will, God has chosen from the beginning of time not to intervene, even to the expense of a human life, in order to hold them responsible for their action before Him. Is this to say that God sits back and watches while human decisions goes unconstrained, certainly not! For to believe that would make God abstract like many process theologians try to sermonized.

But two things are to be kept in mind, First, is our faith that states, "that all things work together for good to those who love God" (Romans 8:28a). That is to say that, although God did intervene and control the will of the person, God is always working on our behalf and no matter what happens He will use whatever circumstance He know that might possible come our way to bring about the revilement of Himself in our heart and everyone around us, the guilty and non-guilty alike. What a better God to trust in then one who knows exactly how He is going to respond in the infinite possible circumstances of our lives.

It take a bigger God to deal with which is uncertain. It doesn't take any power at all for God to deal with what is certain. All He has to do is sit back and watch what is happening, which He always knew would happen. On the other hand, however, it takes a far superior God to deal with the challenge of that which is not yet known absolutely because it may end up one way or the other. Now, am I saying that God is caught off guard and surprised at our decision, by no means! Because at the same time in mind of God, He know all that can be known and can exhaustively predict with the greatest of accuracy all that could happen in all the variable. In all wisdom He knows exactly how He is going to respond perfectly in all happenstances. I find great comfort in a placing my trust in a God who not only see all possibilities but knows exactly what He will do to uses all things to work together for my good in conjunction with my free will and the will of other around me.

Secondly, it is also equally comforting to know that God was and continues to not only strive with my free will but of those around me as well. As a result, they are answerable before God for how they free choose to treat me as I am responsible before Him for how I treat them. For God is not unjust he judges each man's work impartially. The conclusion is that the pain and suffering is not a result of God's will but a result of living in a would that has made the free will choice to rebel against a loving God who's desire was not that I go through pain but that I may live under peace and harmony with my fellow man. Hence, the Scripture "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life" (Gal. 6:7-8), is true. The destruction is the not limited to the individual who sin but also to those around us as well (Josh. 7).

As result, the explanation for the above situation is that God knew the possibility of that particular circumstance, but in order for God to hold them accountable for their action and to righteously vindicate the innocent, He choose not to intervene. Had He intervene and stopped the sin, God could not have held him responsible for his right action. The question then is raised, "then why does He just intervene all the time if the decision is going to produce a bad result. If He did then moral government is destroyed resulting in a government of cause and effect; and if all of creation was forced to choose Him, then it would not be logical to say God could enjoy our submission and obedience to His will and law caused by our own volition. In addition, it is vital to realize that it was not His will that such thing took place and that He did everything short of removing free will to stop it prior to the event, because He is always striving with man's moral freedom to make the better choice. However, since it did take place He already knew, in the event that it did, exactly how He is going to work in the life of both parties involved to reveal Himself to them and accomplish a good out of a sinful situation.

Hence, the statement, "look for what God going to teaching us about Him rather than focusing our attention on the problem or our pain." This is exactly the point of comfort I have in placing my future in the hands of God. No matter what happens in this life I have the security in knowing that He exactly what He is doing presently and what He is going to do in the future and He is working to make me in what He desires for my life. Does not the process of forgiveness teach us about God's love for humanity despite the evil action he does. Does not the relief of guilt teach us about the forgiveness of God and the power to change lives witness to other. To think that God knows the infinite possible choices and the infinite possible consequences about the infinite possible situations of every last person in the world makes Him bigger then ever before. Not only that He knows exactly how He is going to respond in each infinite finality. There is truly no other like Him. All wisdom and power belong to God.

According to this perspective, God's infallible knowledge extends over everything that is (or has been) actual and that which follows deterministically from it. God knows for example, exactly what Caesar was thinking when he crossed the Rubicon and how many horses he had in his army that day. He knows exactly how every politician actually feels about the policies he or she is proposing. And since God understands exactly how the laws of nature that He created function, He knows many parts of nature which is governed by deterministic laws will develop and unfold. But God does not possess infallible knowledge of any future states of affairs that include free human decision-making as a causal component. God, as the ultimate psychoanalyst or behaviorist, can with great accuracy predict what individuals will freely decide to do in the future in many cases. He might well, for instance, be able to predict quite accurately who will win the United States Presidential election in the 2012. However, a God who possesses only PK [Present Knowledge] cannot infallibly know what truly free choice will produce. Given that the outcome of such choice-for example, who will be elected President in 2020-, will be dependent on decisions that have yet to be made, there is nothing at present for God to know.

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